Friday, February 24, 2012

Honey Bumbles (Eating Kiwi)

With the way food prices are soaring, it feels as it there is also a carbon tax imposed on imported foods. As such, I'm buying local as much as I can, but I really do feel some of our locally manufactured cereals are way too sweet. Erin, my near four year old, has been having Cheerios as her cereal base since she could eat solids. They are about the least sugar coated cereal I can find in KL without paying an arm or a leg (cornflakes tend to tickle her throat and cause her to choke, so that option is out).

Because she was brought up eating well, she does not really relish most sweet cereals. She detests Honey Stars by Nestle, shudders at Frosties. However, she will eat Froot Loops as a treat.
Looming expiry dates are nothing when the food moves fast!

At Cold Storage at IPC last week, I found a New Zealand brand of cereal on the clearance rack. Yes, it is honey, and honey is sugar, but I thought I'd try Erin on it. And guess what? It's the first cereal she has eaten with milk! While I'm not going to be getting it on a regular basis (too sweet, too pricey on usual days), this was a nice little treat.

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