Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vegging out

It's great to be able to walk into a grocery store and get nearly every conceivable non-Asian vegetable on the shelves. From baby radishes to rhubarb and patty pan squash to artichokes, most things can be bought at a price.

I've however come a long way from the girl who must have zucchini in her minestrone, no matter the cost. One thing I have picked up from all the chefs I've been been fortunate enough to meet (and some who've had the misfortune of meeting me!), is that local produce will most times beat any imported stuff, by sheer dint of the ravages of air miles, no matter even if they were hand carried in a vaccumed bag.
Four-angle beans with stock reduction.

Hence, I've been doing a lot more local vegging out. I had these lovely four-angle beans which Kit made with a simple stock reduction, which cost RM2 for the lot. The local kailan was in glut this time round and I got a bunch for RM1, all tender, crisp stalks and dark emerald green leaves.
The beauty of vegetables done perfectly.

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